Cuba North America Playlists

Playlist: Viva Cuba!

Cuba Salsa playlist
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It’s not hard to become addicted to the culture of salsa while in Cuba. In fact it’s intoxicatingly easy. Imagine this scenario: you’ll be walking down the street in Havana and a three-man band will have set up a free concert on the corner. Before you even realize it, your feet are tapping, your hips are swaying. You’ve got a huge goofy grin on your face because suddenly life just seems so alive with music and you feel like you’ve been plopped on a Latin movie set and this is your new soundtrack. OK, maybe I’m going a little overboard. But seriously, that is the magic of Cuban music and I can’t get enough of it.

If you’ve been to this island before, you know exactly what I’m talking about — and this playlist will likely strike nostalgia in your ears. For those of you who have yet to visit, I’d recommend listening to this playlist as a little prepper for your inevitable visit someday (hopefully soon). If you’re feeling especially energetic, maybe even use it to practice a few salsa moves at home. Your endorphins — and future Cuban dance partner — will thank you.

Want to learn more about Cuba? Check out my Cuba photo diary and initial thoughts on my visit. 

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