Flashback a year ago and you probably couldn’t pay me to learn to code. The task seemed overwhelming, impossible to tackle and frankly boring – especially when I envisioned my options: trying to go…
Asia Digital Nomad Lifestyle Indonesia Travel
Repeatedly in my research of what to do in Hong Kong, I kept coming across the same theme over and over again: Hong Kong as a stopover city. A place where you’d spend maybe five hours, three…
After spending three weeks in Bali sharing rooms with friends, I was pretty excited to unwind all by myself for two nights in the Park Hyatt Saigon upon my arrival in Vietnam. Before my…
I have a confession to make. I am completely addicted to buying travel journals. I guess there could be worse addictions, but I tend to acquire them faster than they can be filled, which inevitably leads…
If you were dropped out of a spaceship into India without being told where you were landing, I’m pretty sure you’d still recognize your surroundings immediately. It’s completely unique — and not just because…
If you’re headed to the Thai islands, chances are that Koh Phi Phi is on your itinerary. In fact it may be the main reason you put Thailand on your bucket list in the…
Somehow during the course of my six days in Tokyo, I ended up going on a pretty expansive coffee shop tour of the city. There’s ten coffee shops total in this post — and those…
I think everyone should travel to India at least once in their lives, but if you’re a professional photographer or have a passion for photography as a hobby, then it’s an absolute must. Every…
I originally fell in love with Korakia Pensione much like I do with many destinations these days — via my Instagram feed. For several months following, I began daydreaming about this intimate, white-washed hotel…
Need to calm your flying jitters, put yourself to sleep or just drown out the baby in the row behind you? Voila. This collection of chill songs should do the trick. This playlist has kept…
Part of the fun in traveling is undoubtedly figuring it out on your own, but India is one of those places that can still be chaotic and overwhelming even if you’re already fully prepared.…
It’s not uncommon for people to return from Yacht Week pronouncing it the best week of their lives. And the week I sailed around Phuket, Thailand with the travel company ranks pretty high up on…
Anyone who knows me well, knows that I love a good music festival. But having been a devoted Coachella goer ever since moving to California, I was a little wary at first when my friend…
Portland, Maine has come quite a long way since I grew up there in my early childhood and teens. What was once a looked-over New England town has now become an East Coast gem…
Every road trip that I’ve ever been on has been made infinitely better with a little help from the right playlist. If I’m driving alone it could include quite a range of musical genres,…
If you’re visiting Los Angeles on holiday, chances are you’re trying to see all the neighborhoods in one go and Venice is just a small (yet amazing) part of this expansive city. As my…
Israel is a place full of memorable bucket list experiences, but perhaps the most talked about is floating in the Dead Sea, which is located at the lowest point on Earth below sea level. It was one…
Imagine you’re sailing with ten of your best friends, cocktail in hand through the Thai islands — or maybe it’s Croatia, or Turkey, or the BVIs. Now what would that sound like? Well, I can…